1 /** 2 * ae.sys.persistence.keyvalue 3 * 4 * License: 5 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of 6 * the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of 7 * the MPL was not distributed with this file, You 8 * can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. 9 * 10 * Authors: 11 * Vladimir Panteleev <vladimir@thecybershadow.net> 12 */ 13 14 module ae.sys.persistence.keyvalue; 15 16 import std.exception; 17 import std.traits; 18 19 import ae.sys.persistence.core; 20 import ae.sys.sqlite3; 21 import ae.utils.json; 22 23 // **************************************************************************** 24 25 /// Persistent indexed key-value store, backed by an SQLite database. 26 /// Non-string keys/values are JSON-encoded. 27 struct KeyValueStore(K, V) 28 { 29 KeyValueDatabase* db; 30 string tableName; 31 32 this(KeyValueDatabase* db, string tableName = "values") 33 { 34 this.db = db; 35 this.tableName = tableName; 36 } 37 38 this(string fn) 39 { 40 auto db = new KeyValueDatabase(fn); 41 this(db); 42 } 43 44 V opIndex()(auto ref K k) 45 { 46 checkInitialized(); 47 foreach (SqlType!V v; sqlGet.iterate(toSqlType(k))) 48 return fromSqlType!V(v); 49 throw new Exception("Value not in KeyValueStore"); 50 } 51 52 V get()(auto ref K k, auto ref V defaultValue) 53 { 54 checkInitialized(); 55 foreach (SqlType!V v; sqlGet.iterate(toSqlType(k))) 56 return fromSqlType!V(v); 57 return defaultValue; 58 } 59 60 bool opIn_r()(auto ref K k) 61 { 62 checkInitialized(); 63 foreach (int count; sqlExists.iterate(toSqlType(k))) 64 return count > 0; 65 assert(false); 66 } 67 68 void opIndexAssign()(auto ref V v, auto ref K k) 69 { 70 checkInitialized(); 71 sqlSet.exec(toSqlType(k), toSqlType(v)); 72 } 73 74 void remove()(auto ref K k) 75 { 76 checkInitialized(); 77 sqlDelete.exec(toSqlType(k)); 78 } 79 80 @property int length() 81 { 82 checkInitialized(); 83 foreach (int count; sqlLength.iterate()) 84 return count; 85 assert(false); 86 } 87 88 private: 89 static SqlType!T toSqlType(T)(auto ref T v) 90 { 91 alias S = SqlType!T; 92 static if (is(T : long)) // long 93 return v; 94 else 95 static if (is(T : const(char)[])) // string 96 return cast(S) v; 97 else 98 static if (is(T U : U[]) && !hasIndirections!U) // void[] 99 return v; 100 else 101 return toJson(v); 102 } 103 104 static T fromSqlType(T)(SqlType!T v) 105 { 106 static if (is(T : long)) // long 107 return cast(T) v; 108 else 109 static if (is(T : const(char)[])) // string 110 return cast(T) v; 111 else 112 static if (is(T U : U[]) && !hasIndirections!U) // void[] 113 return cast(T) v; 114 else 115 return jsonParse!T(cast(string) v); 116 } 117 118 template SqlType(T) 119 { 120 static if (is(T : long)) 121 alias SqlType = long; 122 else 123 static if (is(T : const(char)[])) 124 alias SqlType = string; 125 else 126 static if (is(T U : U[]) && !hasIndirections!U) 127 alias SqlType = void[]; 128 else 129 alias SqlType = string; // JSON-encoded 130 } 131 132 static assert(is(SqlType!int == long)); 133 static assert(is(SqlType!string == string)); 134 135 template sqlTypeName(T) 136 { 137 alias S = SqlType!T; 138 static if (is(S == long)) 139 enum sqlTypeName = "INTEGER"; 140 else 141 static if (is(S == string)) 142 enum sqlTypeName = "TEXT"; 143 else 144 static if (is(S == void[])) 145 enum sqlTypeName = "BLOB"; 146 else 147 enum sqlTypeName = "TEXT"; // JSON 148 } 149 150 bool initialized; 151 152 SQLite.PreparedStatement sqlGet, sqlSet, sqlDelete, sqlExists, sqlLength; 153 154 void checkInitialized() 155 { 156 if (!initialized) 157 { 158 assert(db, "KeyValueStore database not set"); 159 db.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS [" ~ tableName ~ "] ([key] " ~ sqlTypeName!K ~ " PRIMARY KEY, [value] " ~ sqlTypeName!V ~ ")"); 160 db.exec("PRAGMA SYNCHRONOUS=OFF"); 161 sqlGet = db.prepare("SELECT [value] FROM [" ~ tableName ~ "] WHERE [key]=?"); 162 sqlSet = db.prepare("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO [" ~ tableName ~ "] VALUES (?, ?)"); 163 sqlDelete = db.prepare("DELETE FROM [" ~ tableName ~ "] WHERE [key]=?"); 164 sqlExists = db.prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [" ~ tableName ~ "] WHERE [key]=? LIMIT 1"); 165 sqlLength = db.prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [" ~ tableName ~ "]"); 166 initialized = true; 167 } 168 } 169 } 170 171 struct KeyValueDatabase 172 { 173 string fileName; 174 175 SQLite sqlite; 176 177 @property SQLite getSQLite() 178 { 179 if (sqlite is null) 180 { 181 enforce(fileName, "KeyValueDatabase filename not set"); 182 sqlite = new SQLite(fileName); 183 } 184 return sqlite; 185 } 186 187 alias getSQLite this; 188 } 189 190 unittest 191 { 192 import std.file; 193 194 string fn = tempDir ~ "/ae-sys-persistence-keyvalue-test.s3db"; 195 if (fn.exists) fn.remove(); 196 //scope(exit) if (fn.exists) fn.remove(); 197 auto store = KeyValueStore!(string, string)(fn); 198 199 assert(store.length == 0); 200 assert("key" !in store); 201 assert(store.get("key", null) is null); 202 203 store["key"] = "value"; 204 205 assert(store.length == 1); 206 assert("key" in store); 207 assert(store["key"] == "value"); 208 assert(store.get("key", null) == "value"); 209 210 store["key"] = "value2"; 211 212 assert(store.length == 1); 213 assert("key" in store); 214 assert(store.get("key", null) == "value2"); 215 216 store["key2"] = "value3"; 217 218 assert(store.length == 2); 219 assert("key" in store); 220 assert("key2" in store); 221 assert(store.get("key", null) == "value2"); 222 assert(store.get("key2", null) == "value3"); 223 224 store.remove("key"); 225 226 assert(store.length == 1); 227 assert("key" !in store); 228 assert("key2" in store); 229 assert(store.get("key", null) is null); 230 }