1 /**
2  * Metaprogramming
3  *
4  * License:
5  *   This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of
6  *   the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of
7  *   the MPL was not distributed with this file, You
8  *   can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
9  *
10  * Authors:
11  *   Vladimir Panteleev <vladimir@thecybershadow.net>
12  */
14 module ae.utils.meta;
16 public import ae.utils.meta.reference;
17 public import ae.utils.meta.x;
18 public import ae.utils.meta.proxy;
19 public import ae.utils.meta.binding_v1;
20 public import ae.utils.meta.binding;
22 // ************************************************************************
24 import std.traits;
26 /**
27  * Same as TypeTuple, but meant to be used with values.
28  *
29  * Example:
30  *   foreach (char channel; ValueTuple!('r', 'g', 'b'))
31  *   {
32  *     // the loop is unrolled at compile-time
33  *     // "channel" is a compile-time value, and can be used in string mixins
34  *   }
35  */
36 template ValueTuple(T...)
37 {
38 	alias T ValueTuple;
39 }
41 template RangeTupleImpl(size_t N, R...)
42 {
43 	static if (N==R.length)
44 		alias R RangeTupleImpl;
45 	else
46 		alias RangeTupleImpl!(N, ValueTuple!(R, R.length)) RangeTupleImpl;
47 }
49 /// Generate a tuple containing integers from 0 to N-1.
50 /// Useful for static loop unrolling. (staticIota)
51 template RangeTuple(size_t N)
52 {
53 	alias RangeTupleImpl!(N, ValueTuple!()) RangeTuple;
54 }
56 /// Expand an array to a tuple.
57 /// The array value must be known during compilation.
58 template ArrayToTuple(alias arr, Elements...)
59 {
60 	static if (arr.length)
61 		alias ArrayToTuple = ArrayToTuple!(arr[1..$], ValueTuple!(Elements, arr[0]));
62 	else
63 		alias ArrayToTuple = Elements;
64 }
66 unittest
67 {
68 	alias X = ArrayToTuple!"abc";
69 	static assert(X[0] == 'a' && X[2] == 'c');
70 	static assert([X] == "abc");
71 }
73 /// Expand a static array to a tuple.
74 /// Unlike ArrayToTuple, the array may be a runtime variable.
75 template expand(alias arr, size_t offset = 0)
76 	if (isStaticArray!(typeof(arr)))
77 {
78 	import std.typetuple : AliasSeq;
80 	static if (arr.length == offset)
81 		alias expand = AliasSeq!();
82 	else
83 	{
84 		@property ref getValue() { return arr[offset]; }
85 		alias expand = AliasSeq!(getValue, expand!(arr, offset+1));
86 	}
87 }
89 unittest
90 {
91 	int[3] arr = [1, 2, 3];
92 	void test(int a, int b, int c) {}
93 	test(expand!arr);
94 }
96 /// Return something to foreach over optimally.
97 /// If A is known at compile-time, return a tuple,
98 /// so the foreach is unrolled at compile-time.
99 /// Otherwise, return A for a regular runtime foreach.
100 template CTIterate(alias A)
101 {
102 	static if (is(typeof(ArrayToTuple!A)))
103 		enum CTIterate = ArrayToTuple!A;
104 	else
105 		alias CTIterate = A;
106 }
108 unittest
109 {
110 	foreach (c; CTIterate!"abc") {}
111 	string s;
112 	foreach (c; CTIterate!s) {}
113 }
115 /// Like std.typecons.Tuple, but a template mixin.
116 /// Unlike std.typecons.Tuple, names may not be omitted - but repeating types may be.
117 /// Example: FieldList!(ubyte, "r", "g", "b", ushort, "a");
118 mixin template FieldList(Fields...)
119 {
120 	mixin(GenFieldList!(void, Fields));
121 }
123 template GenFieldList(T, Fields...)
124 {
125 	static if (Fields.length == 0)
126 		enum GenFieldList = "";
127 	else
128 	{
129 		static if (is(typeof(Fields[0]) == string))
130 			enum GenFieldList = T.stringof ~ " " ~ Fields[0] ~ ";\n" ~ GenFieldList!(T, Fields[1..$]);
131 		else
132 			enum GenFieldList = GenFieldList!(Fields[0], Fields[1..$]);
133 	}
134 }
136 unittest
137 {
138 	struct S
139 	{
140 		mixin FieldList!(ubyte, "r", "g", "b", ushort, "a");
141 	}
142 	S s;
143 	static assert(is(typeof(s.r) == ubyte));
144 	static assert(is(typeof(s.g) == ubyte));
145 	static assert(is(typeof(s.b) == ubyte));
146 	static assert(is(typeof(s.a) == ushort));
147 }
149 /// Return true if all of T's fields are the same type.
150 @property bool isHomogenous(T)()
151 {
152 	foreach (i, f; T.init.tupleof)
153 		if (!is(typeof(T.init.tupleof[i]) == typeof(T.init.tupleof[0])))
154 			return false;
155 	return true;
156 }
158 template isValueOfTypeInTuple(X, T...)
159 {
160 	static if (T.length==0)
161 		enum bool isValueOfTypeInTuple = false;
162 	else
163 	static if (T.length==1)
164 		enum bool isValueOfTypeInTuple = is(typeof(T[0]) : X);
165 	else
166 		enum bool isValueOfTypeInTuple = isValueOfTypeInTuple!(X, T[0..$/2]) || isValueOfTypeInTuple!(X, T[$/2..$]);
167 }
169 unittest
170 {
171 	static assert( isValueOfTypeInTuple!(int, ValueTuple!("a", 42)));
172 	static assert(!isValueOfTypeInTuple!(int, ValueTuple!("a", 42.42)));
173 	static assert(!isValueOfTypeInTuple!(int, ValueTuple!()));
175 	static assert(!isValueOfTypeInTuple!(int, "a", int, Object));
176 	static assert( isValueOfTypeInTuple!(int, "a", int, Object, 42));
177 }
179 template findValueOfTypeInTuple(X, T...)
180 {
181 	static if (T.length==0)
182 		static assert(false, "Can't find value of type " ~ X.stringof ~ " in specified tuple");
183 	else
184 	static if (is(typeof(T[0]) : X))
185 		enum findValueOfTypeInTuple = T[0];
186 	else
187 		enum findValueOfTypeInTuple = findValueOfTypeInTuple!(X, T[1..$]);
188 }
190 unittest
191 {
192 	static assert(findValueOfTypeInTuple!(int, ValueTuple!("a", 42))==42);
193 	static assert(findValueOfTypeInTuple!(int, "a", int, Object, 42)==42);
194 }
196 /// One past the biggest element of the enum T.
197 /// Example: string[enumLength!E] arr;
198 template enumLength(T)
199 	if (is(T==enum))
200 {
201 	enum enumLength = cast(T)(cast(size_t)T.max + 1);
202 }
204 deprecated alias EnumLength = enumLength;
206 /// A range that iterates over all members of an enum.
207 @property auto enumIota(T)()
208 {
209 	import std.range : iota;
210 	return iota(T.init, enumLength!T);
211 }
213 unittest
214 {
215 	import std.algorithm.comparison : equal;
216 	enum E { a, b, c }
217 	static assert(equal(enumIota!E, [E.a, E.b, E.c]));
218 }
220 // ************************************************************************
222 // http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=7805
223 static template stringofArray(Args...)
224 {
225 	static string[] stringofArray()
226 	{
227 		string[] args;
228 		foreach (i, _ ; typeof(Args))
229 			args ~= Args[i].stringof;
230 		return args;
231 	}
232 }
234 /// Returns the index of fun's parameter with the name
235 /// matching "names", or asserts if the parameter is not found.
236 /// "names" can contain multiple names separated by slashes.
237 static size_t findParameter(alias fun, string names)()
238 {
239 	import std.array : split;
241 	foreach (name; names.split("/"))
242 		foreach (i, param; ParameterIdentifierTuple!fun)
243 			if (param == name)
244 				return i;
245 	assert(false, "Function " ~ __traits(identifier, fun) ~ " doesn't have a parameter called " ~ names);
246 }
248 /// ditto
249 // Workaround for no "static alias" template parameters
250 static size_t findParameter()(string[] searchedNames, string soughtNames, string funName)
251 {
252 	import std.array : split;
254 	foreach (soughtName; soughtNames.split("/"))
255 	{
256 		import std.algorithm.searching : countUntil;
258 		auto targetIndex = searchedNames.countUntil(soughtName);
259 		if (targetIndex >= 0)
260 			return targetIndex;
261 	}
263 	{
264 		import std.format : format;
266 		assert(false, "No argument %s in %s's parameters (%s)"
267 			.format(soughtNames, funName, searchedNames).idup);
268 	}
269 }
271 unittest
272 {
273 	static void fun(int a, int b, int c) {}
275 	static assert(findParameter!(fun, "x/c") == 2);
276 	assert(findParameter(["a", "b", "c"], "x/c", "fun") == 2);
277 }
279 /// Generates a function which passes its arguments to a struct, which is
280 /// returned. Preserves field names (as parameter names) and default values.
281 template structFun(S)
282 {
283 	string gen()
284 	{
285 		import std.algorithm.iteration : map;
286 		import std.array : join;
287 		import std.format : format;
288 		import std.meta : staticMap;
289 		import std.range : iota;
291 		enum identifierAt(int n) = __traits(identifier, S.tupleof[n]);
292 		enum names = [staticMap!(identifierAt, RangeTuple!(S.tupleof.length))];
294 		return
295 			"S structFun(\n" ~
296 			S.tupleof.length.iota.map!(n =>
297 			"	typeof(S.init.tupleof[%d]) %s = S.init.tupleof[%d],\n".format(n, names[n], n)
298 			).join() ~
299 			`) { return S(` ~ names.join(", ") ~ "); }";
300 	}
302 	mixin(gen());
303 }
305 unittest
306 {
307 	static struct Test
308 	{
309 		string a;
310 		int b = 42;
311 	}
313 	Test test = structFun!Test("banana");
314 	assert(test.a is "banana");
315 	assert(test.b == 42);
316 }
318 /// Evaluate all arguments and return the last argument.
319 /// Can be used instead of the comma operator.
320 /// Inspired by http://clhs.lisp.se/Body/s_progn.htm
321 Args[$-1] progn(Args...)(lazy Args args)
322 {
323 	foreach (n; RangeTuple!(Args.length-1))
324 		cast(void)args[n];
325 	return args[$-1];
326 }
328 unittest
329 {
330 	// Test that expressions are correctly evaluated exactly once.
331 	int a, b, c, d;
332 	d = progn(a++, b++, c++);
333 	assert(a==1 && b==1 && c == 1 && d == 0);
334 	d = progn(a++, b++, ++c);
335 	assert(a==2 && b==2 && c == 2 && d == 2);
336 }
338 unittest
339 {
340 	// Test void expressions.
341 	int a, b;
342 	void incA() { a++; }
343 	void incB() { b++; }
344 	progn(incA(), incB());
345 	assert(a == 1 && b == 1);
346 }
348 // ************************************************************************
350 // Using a compiler with UDA support?
351 enum HAVE_UDA = __traits(compiles, __traits(getAttributes, Object));
353 static if (HAVE_UDA)
354 {
355 	/*
356 	template hasAttribute(T, alias D)
357 	{
358 		enum bool hasAttribute = isValueOfTypeInTuple!(T, __traits(getAttributes, D));
359 	}
360 	*/
362 	/// Detects types and values of the given type
363 	template hasAttribute(Args...)
364 		if (Args.length == 2)
365 	{
366 	//	alias attribute = Args[0];
367 	//	alias symbol = Args[1];
369 		import std.typetuple : staticIndexOf;
370 		import std.traits : staticMap;
372 		static if (is(Args[0]))
373 		{
374 			template isTypeOrValueInTuple(T, Args...)
375 			{
376 				static if (!Args.length)
377 					enum isTypeOrValueInTuple = false;
378 				else
379 				static if (is(Args[0] == T))
380 					enum isTypeOrValueInTuple = true;
381 				else
382 				static if (is(typeof(Args[0]) == T))
383 					enum isTypeOrValueInTuple = true;
384 				else
385 					enum isTypeOrValueInTuple = isTypeOrValueInTuple!(T, Args[1..$]);
386 			}
388 			enum bool hasAttribute = isTypeOrValueInTuple!(Args[0], __traits(getAttributes, Args[1]));
389 		}
390 		else
391 			enum bool hasAttribute = staticIndexOf!(Args[0], __traits(getAttributes, Args[1])) != -1;
392 	}
394 	template getAttribute(T, alias D)
395 	{
396 		enum T getAttribute = findValueOfTypeInTuple!(T, __traits(getAttributes, D));
397 	}
399 	unittest
400 	{
401 		struct Attr { int i; }
403 		struct S
404 		{
405 			@Attr int a;
406 			@Attr(5) int b;
407 			@("test") int c;
408 		}
410 		static assert(hasAttribute!(Attr, S.a));
411 		static assert(hasAttribute!(Attr, S.b));
412 		static assert(hasAttribute!(string, S.c));
413 		static assert(hasAttribute!("test", S.c));
414 	}
415 }
416 else
417 {
418 	template hasAttribute(T, alias D)
419 	{
420 		enum bool hasAttribute = false;
421 	}
423 	template getAttribute(T, alias D)
424 	{
425 		static assert(false, "This D compiler has no UDA support.");
426 	}
427 }
429 // ************************************************************************
431 /// Generate constructors that simply call the parent class constructors.
432 /// Based on http://forum.dlang.org/post/i3hpj0$2vc6$1@digitalmars.com
433 mixin template GenerateConstructorProxies()
434 {
435 	mixin(() {
436 		import std.conv : text;
437 		import std.string : join;
438 		import std.traits : ParameterTypeTuple, fullyQualifiedName;
440 		alias T = typeof(super);
442 		string s;
443 		static if (__traits(hasMember, T, "__ctor"))
444 			foreach (ctor; __traits(getOverloads, T, "__ctor"))
445 			{
446 				string[] declarationList, usageList;
447 				foreach (i, param; ParameterTypeTuple!(typeof(&ctor)))
448 				{
449 					auto varName = "v" ~ text(i);
450 					declarationList ~= fullyQualifiedName!param ~ " " ~ varName;
451 					usageList ~= varName;
452 				}
453 				s ~= "this(" ~ declarationList.join(", ") ~ ") { super(" ~ usageList.join(", ") ~ "); }\n";
454 			}
455 		return s;
456 	} ());
457 }
459 deprecated alias GenerateContructorProxies = GenerateConstructorProxies;
461 unittest
462 {
463 	class A
464 	{
465 		int i, j;
466 		this() { }
467 		this(int i) { this.i = i; }
468 		this(int i, int j ) { this.i = i; this.j = j; }
469 	}
471 	class B : A
472 	{
473 		mixin GenerateConstructorProxies;
474 	}
476 	A a;
478 	a = new B();
479 	assert(a.i == 0);
480 	a = new B(17);
481 	assert(a.i == 17);
482 	a = new B(17, 42);
483 	assert(a.j == 42);
484 }
486 // ************************************************************************
488 /// Generate a @property function which creates/returns
489 /// a thread-local singleton of a class with the given arguments.
491 @property T singleton(T, args...)()
492 	if (is(typeof(new T(args))))
493 {
494 	static T instance;
495 	if (!instance)
496 		instance = new T(args);
497 	return instance;
498 }
500 unittest
501 {
502 	static class C
503 	{
504 		static int n = 0;
506 		this()      { n++; }
507 		this(int x) { n += x; }
509 		void fun() {}
510 	}
512 	alias singleton!C c0;
513 	c0.fun();
514 	c0.fun();
515 	assert(C.n == 1);
517 	alias singleton!(C, 5) c1;
518 	c1.fun();
519 	c1.fun();
520 	assert(C.n == 6);
521 }
523 // ************************************************************************
525 /// Were we built with -debug?
526 debug
527 	enum isDebug = true;
528 else
529 	enum isDebug = false;
531 deprecated alias IsDebug = isDebug;
533 /// Is a specific version on?
534 template isVersion(string versionName)
535 {
536 	mixin(`version (` ~ versionName ~ `) enum isVersion = true; else enum isVersion = false;`);
537 }
539 // ************************************************************************
541 /// Identity function.
542 auto ref T identity(T)(auto ref T value) { return value; }
544 /// Shorter synonym for std.traits.Identity.
545 /// Can be used to UFCS-chain static methods and nested functions.
546 alias I(alias A) = A;
548 // ************************************************************************
550 /// Get f's ancestor which represents its "this" pointer.
551 /// Skips template and mixin ancestors until it finds a struct or class.
552 template thisOf(alias f)
553 {
554 	alias p = Identity!(__traits(parent, f));
555 	static if (is(p == class) || is(p == struct) || is(p == union))
556 		alias thisOf = p;
557 	else
558 		alias thisOf = thisOf!p;
559 }
561 // ************************************************************************
563 /// Return the number of bits used to store the value part, i.e.
564 /// T.sizeof*8 for integer parts and the mantissa size for
565 /// floating-point types.
566 template valueBits(T)
567 {
568 	static if (is(T : ulong))
569 		enum valueBits = T.sizeof * 8;
570 	else
571 	static if (is(T : real))
572 		enum valueBits = T.mant_dig;
573 	else
574 		static assert(false, "Don't know how many value bits there are in " ~ T.stringof);
575 }
577 static assert(valueBits!uint == 32);
578 static assert(valueBits!double == 53);
580 /// Expand to a built-in numeric type of the same kind
581 /// (signed integer / unsigned integer / floating-point)
582 /// with at least the indicated number of bits of precision.
583 template ResizeNumericType(T, uint bits)
584 {
585 	static if (is(T : ulong))
586 		static if (isSigned!T)
587 			alias ResizeNumericType = SignedBitsType!bits;
588 		else
589 			alias ResizeNumericType = UnsignedBitsType!bits;
590 	else
591 	static if (is(T : real))
592 	{
593 		static if (bits <= float.mant_dig)
594 			alias ResizeNumericType = float;
595 		else
596 		static if (bits <= double.mant_dig)
597 			alias ResizeNumericType = double;
598 		else
599 		static if (bits <= real.mant_dig)
600 			alias ResizeNumericType = real;
601 		else
602 			static assert(0, "No floating-point type big enough to fit " ~ bits.stringof ~ " bits");
603 	}
604 	else
605 		static assert(false, "Don't know how to resize type: " ~ T.stringof);
606 }
608 static assert(is(ResizeNumericType!(float, double.mant_dig) == double));
610 /// Expand to a built-in numeric type of the same kind
611 /// (signed integer / unsigned integer / floating-point)
612 /// with at least additionalBits more bits of precision.
613 alias ExpandNumericType(T, uint additionalBits) =
614 	ResizeNumericType!(T, valueBits!T + additionalBits);
616 /// Unsigned integer type big enough to fit N bits of precision.
617 template UnsignedBitsType(uint bits)
618 {
619 	static if (bits <= 8)
620 		alias ubyte UnsignedBitsType;
621 	else
622 	static if (bits <= 16)
623 		alias ushort UnsignedBitsType;
624 	else
625 	static if (bits <= 32)
626 		alias uint UnsignedBitsType;
627 	else
628 	static if (bits <= 64)
629 		alias ulong UnsignedBitsType;
630 	else
631 		static assert(0, "No integer type big enough to fit " ~ bits.stringof ~ " bits");
632 }
634 template SignedBitsType(uint bits)
635 {
636 	alias Signed!(UnsignedBitsType!bits) SignedBitsType;
637 }
639 /// Evaluates to array of strings with name for each field.
640 @property string[] structFields(T)()
641 	if (is(T == struct) || is(T == class))
642 {
643 	import std.string : split;
645 	string[] fields;
646 	foreach (i, f; T.init.tupleof)
647 	{
648 		string field = T.tupleof[i].stringof;
649 		field = field.split(".")[$-1];
650 		fields ~= field;
651 	}
652 	return fields;
653 }
655 /// Create a functor value type (bound struct) from an alias.
656 auto functor(alias fun)()
657 {
658 	struct Functor(alias fun)
659 	{
660 		alias opCall = fun;
661 	}
663 	return Functor!fun.init;
664 }