1 /**
2  * Drawing functions.
3  *
4  * License:
5  *   This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of
6  *   the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of
7  *   the MPL was not distributed with this file, You
8  *   can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
9  *
10  * Authors:
11  *   Vladimir Panteleev <vladimir@thecybershadow.net>
12  */
14 module ae.utils.graphics.draw;
16 import std.algorithm : sort;
17 import std.traits;
19 import ae.utils.geometry : TAU;
20 import ae.utils.graphics.view;
21 import ae.utils.graphics.color : solidStorageUnit;
22 import ae.utils.math;
23 import ae.utils.meta : structFields, SignedBitsType, UnsignedBitsType;
25 version(unittest) import ae.utils.graphics.image;
27 // Constraints could be simpler if this was fixed:
28 // https://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=12386
30 /// Get the pixel color at the specified coordinates,
31 /// or fall back to the specified default value if
32 /// the coordinates are out of bounds.
33 COLOR safeGet(V, COLOR)(auto ref V v, xy_t x, xy_t y, COLOR def)
34 	if (isView!V && is(COLOR : ViewColor!V))
35 {
36 	if (x>=0 && y>=0 && x<v.w && y<v.h)
37 		return v[x, y];
38 	else
39 		return def;
40 }
42 unittest
43 {
44 	auto v = onePixel(7);
45 	assert(v.safeGet(0, 0, 0) == 7);
46 	assert(v.safeGet(0, 1, 0) == 0);
47 }
49 /// Set the pixel color at the specified coordinates
50 /// if the coordinates are not out of bounds.
51 void safePut(V, COLOR)(auto ref V v, xy_t x, xy_t y, COLOR value)
52 	if (isWritableView!V && is(COLOR : ViewColor!V))
53 {
54 	if (x>=0 && y>=0 && x<v.w && y<v.h)
55 		v[x, y] = value;
56 }
58 unittest
59 {
60 	auto v = Image!int(1, 1);
61 	v.safePut(0, 0, 7);
62 	v.safePut(0, 1, 9);
63 	assert(v[0, 0] == 7);
64 }
66 /// Forwards to safePut or opIndex, depending on the
67 /// CHECKED parameter. Allows propagation of a
68 /// CHECKED parameter from other callers.
69 void putPixel(bool CHECKED, V, COLOR)(auto ref V v, xy_t x, xy_t y, COLOR value)
70 	if (isWritableView!V && is(COLOR : ViewColor!V))
71 {
72 	static if (CHECKED)
73 		v.safePut(x, y, value);
74 	else
75 		v[x, y] = value;
76 }
78 unittest
79 {
80 	auto v = Image!int(1, 1);
81 	v.putPixel!false(0, 0, 7);
82 	v.putPixel!true(0, 1, 9);
83 	assert(v[0, 0] == 7);
84 }
86 /// Gets a pixel's address from a direct view.
87 ViewColor!V* pixelPtr(V)(auto ref V v, xy_t x, xy_t y)
88 if (isDirectView!V && is(typeof(&v.scanline(0)[0][0])))
89 {
90 	return &v.scanline(y)[x][0];
91 }
93 unittest
94 {
95 	auto v = Image!xy_t(1, 1);
96 	v[0, 0] = 7;
97 	auto p = v.pixelPtr(0, 0);
98 	assert(*p == 7);
99 }
101 /// Fills a writable view with a solid color.
102 void fill(V, COLOR)(auto ref V v, COLOR c)
103 	if (isWritableView!V
104 	 && is(COLOR : ViewColor!V))
105 {
106 	static if (isDirectView!V)
107 	{
108 		auto s = solidStorageUnit!(ViewStorageType!V)(c);
109 		foreach (y; 0..v.h)
110 			v.scanline(y)[] = s;
111 	}
112 	else
113 	{
114 		foreach (y; 0..v.h)
115 			foreach (x; 0..v.w)
116 				v[x, y] = c;
117 	}
118 }
119 deprecated alias clear = fill;
121 unittest
122 {
123 	auto i = onePixel(0).copy();
124 	i.fill(1);
125 	assert(i[0, 0] == 1);
126 	auto t = i.tile(10, 10);
127 	t.fill(2);
128 	assert(i[0, 0] == 2);
129 }
131 // ***************************************************************************
133 enum CheckHLine =
134 q{
135 	static if (CHECKED)
136 	{
137 		if (x1 >= v.w || x2 <= 0 || y < 0 || y >= v.h || x1 >= x2) return;
138 		if (x1 <    0) x1 =   0;
139 		if (x2 >= v.w) x2 = v.w;
140 	}
141 	assert(x1 <= x2);
142 };
144 enum CheckVLine =
145 q{
146 	static if (CHECKED)
147 	{
148 		if (x < 0 || x >= v.w || y1 >= v.h || y2 <= 0 || y1 >= y2) return;
149 		if (y1 <    0) y1 =   0;
150 		if (y2 >= v.h) y2 = v.h;
151 	}
152 	assert(y1 <= y2);
153 };
155 void hline(bool CHECKED=true, V, COLOR)(auto ref V v, xy_t x1, xy_t x2, xy_t y, COLOR c)
156 	if (isWritableView!V && is(COLOR : ViewColor!V))
157 {
158 	mixin(CheckHLine);
159 	static if (isDirectView!V && ViewStorageType!V.length == 1)
160 	{
161 		auto s = solidStorageUnit!(ViewStorageType!V)(c);
162 		v.scanline(y)[x1..x2] = s;
163 	}
164 	else
165 		foreach (x; x1..x2)
166 			v[x, y] = c;
167 }
169 void vline(bool CHECKED=true, V, COLOR)(auto ref V v, xy_t x, xy_t y1, xy_t y2, COLOR c)
170 	if (isWritableView!V && is(COLOR : ViewColor!V))
171 {
172 	mixin(CheckVLine);
173 	foreach (y; y1..y2) // TODO: optimize
174 		v[x, y] = c;
175 }
177 void line(bool CHECKED=true, V, COLOR)(auto ref V v, xy_t x1, xy_t y1, xy_t x2, xy_t y2, COLOR c)
178 	if (isWritableView!V && is(COLOR : ViewColor!V))
179 {
180 	mixin FixMath;
181 	import std.algorithm.mutation : swap;
183 	enum DrawLine = q{
184 		// Axis-independent part. Mixin context:
185 		// a0 .. a1  - longer side
186 		// b0 .. b1  - shorter side
187 		// DrawPixel - mixin to draw a pixel at coordinates (a, b)
189 		if (a0 == a1)
190 			return;
192 		if (a0 > a1)
193 		{
194 			 swap(a0, a1);
195 			 swap(b0, b1);
196 		}
198 		// Use fixed-point for b position and offset per 1 pixel along "a" axis
199 		assert(b0 < (1L<<coordinateBits) && b1 < (1L<<coordinateBits));
200 		auto bPos = cast(SignedBitsType!(coordinateBits*2))(b0 << coordinateBits);
201 		auto bOff = cast(SignedBitsType!(coordinateBits*2))(((b1-b0) << coordinateBits) / (a1-a0));
203 		foreach (a; a0..a1+1)
204 		{
205 			xy_t b = (bPos += bOff) >> coordinateBits;
206 			mixin(DrawPixel);
207 		}
208 	};
210 	import std.math : abs;
212 	if (abs(x2-x1) > abs(y2-y1))
213 	{
214 		alias x1 a0;
215 		alias x2 a1;
216 		alias y1 b0;
217 		alias y2 b1;
218 		enum DrawPixel = q{ v.putPixel!CHECKED(a, b, c); };
219 		mixin(DrawLine);
220 	}
221 	else
222 	{
223 		alias y1 a0;
224 		alias y2 a1;
225 		alias x1 b0;
226 		alias x2 b1;
227 		enum DrawPixel = q{ v.putPixel!CHECKED(b, a, c); };
228 		mixin(DrawLine);
229 	}
230 }
232 /// Draws a rectangle with a solid line.
233 /// The coordinates represent bounds (open on the right) for the outside of the rectangle.
234 void rect(bool CHECKED=true, V, COLOR)(auto ref V v, xy_t x1, xy_t y1, xy_t x2, xy_t y2, COLOR c)
235 	if (isWritableView!V && is(COLOR : ViewColor!V))
236 {
237 	sort2(x1, x2);
238 	sort2(y1, y2);
239 	v.hline!CHECKED(x1, x2, y1  , c);
240 	v.hline!CHECKED(x1, x2, y2-1, c);
241 	v.vline!CHECKED(x1  , y1, y2, c);
242 	v.vline!CHECKED(x2-1, y1, y2, c);
243 }
245 void fillRect(bool CHECKED=true, V, COLOR)(auto ref V v, xy_t x1, xy_t y1, xy_t x2, xy_t y2, COLOR b) // [)
246 	if (isWritableView!V && is(COLOR : ViewColor!V))
247 {
248 	sort2(x1, x2);
249 	sort2(y1, y2);
250 	static if (CHECKED)
251 	{
252 		if (x1 >= v.w || y1 >= v.h || x2 <= 0 || y2 <= 0 || x1==x2 || y1==y2) return;
253 		if (x1 <    0) x1 =   0;
254 		if (y1 <    0) y1 =   0;
255 		if (x2 >= v.w) x2 = v.w;
256 		if (y2 >= v.h) y2 = v.h;
257 	}
258 	foreach (y; y1..y2)
259 		v.hline!false(x1, x2, y, b);
260 }
262 void fillRect(bool CHECKED=true, V, COLOR)(auto ref V v, xy_t x1, xy_t y1, xy_t x2, xy_t y2, COLOR c, COLOR b) // [)
263 	if (isWritableView!V && is(COLOR : ViewColor!V))
264 {
265 	v.rect!CHECKED(x1, y1, x2, y2, c);
266 	if (x2-x1>2 && y2-y1>2)
267 		v.fillRect!CHECKED(x1+1, y1+1, x2-1, y2-1, b);
268 }
270 /// Unchecked! Make sure area is bounded.
271 void uncheckedFloodFill(V, COLOR)(auto ref V v, xy_t x, xy_t y, COLOR c)
272 	if (isDirectView!V && is(COLOR : ViewColor!V))
273 {
274 	v.floodFillPtr(&v[x, y], c, v[x, y]);
275 }
277 private void floodFillPtr(V, COLOR)(auto ref V v, COLOR* pp, COLOR c, COLOR f)
278 	if (isDirectView!V && is(COLOR : ViewColor!V))
279 {
280 	COLOR* p0 = pp; while (*p0==f) p0--; p0++;
281 	COLOR* p1 = pp; while (*p1==f) p1++; p1--;
282 	auto stride = v.scanline(1).ptr-v.scanline(0).ptr;
283 	for (auto p=p0; p<=p1; p++)
284 		*p = c;
285 	p0 -= stride; p1 -= stride;
286 	for (auto p=p0; p<=p1; p++)
287 		if (*p == f)
288 			v.floodFillPtr(p, c, f);
289 	p0 += stride*2; p1 += stride*2;
290 	for (auto p=p0; p<=p1; p++)
291 		if (*p == f)
292 			v.floodFillPtr(p, c, f);
293 }
295 void fillCircle(V, COLOR)(auto ref V v, xy_t x, xy_t y, xy_t r, COLOR c)
296 	if (isWritableView!V && is(COLOR : ViewColor!V))
297 {
298 	import std.algorithm.comparison : min;
300 	xy_t x0 = x>r?x-r:0;
301 	xy_t y0 = y>r?y-r:0;
302 	xy_t x1 = min(x+r, v.w-1);
303 	xy_t y1 = min(y+r, v.h-1);
304 	xy_t rs = sqr(r);
305 	// TODO: optimize
306 	foreach (py; y0..y1+1)
307 		foreach (px; x0..x1+1)
308 			if (sqr(x-px) + sqr(y-py) < rs)
309 				v[px, py] = c;
310 }
312 void fillSector(V, COLOR)(auto ref V v, xy_t x, xy_t y, xy_t r0, xy_t r1, real a0, real a1, COLOR c)
313 	if (isWritableView!V && is(COLOR : ViewColor!V))
314 {
315 	import std.algorithm.comparison : min;
316 	import std.math : atan2;
318 	xy_t x0 = x>r1?x-r1:0;
319 	xy_t y0 = y>r1?y-r1:0;
320 	xy_t x1 = min(x+r1, v.w-1);
321 	xy_t y1 = min(y+r1, v.h-1);
322 	xy_t r0s = sqr(r0);
323 	xy_t r1s = sqr(r1);
324 	if (a0 > a1)
325 		a1 += TAU;
326 	foreach (py; y0..y1+1)
327 		foreach (px; x0..x1+1)
328 		{
329 			xy_t dx = px-x;
330 			xy_t dy = py-y;
331 			xy_t rs = sqr(dx) + sqr(dy);
332 			if (r0s <= rs && rs < r1s)
333 			{
334 				real a = atan2(cast(real)dy, cast(real)dx);
335 				if ((a0 <= a     && a     <= a1) ||
336 				    (a0 <= a+TAU && a+TAU <= a1))
337 					v[px, py] = c;
338 			}
339 		}
340 }
342 struct Coord { xy_t x, y; string toString() { import std.string; return format("%s", [this.tupleof]); } }
344 void fillPoly(V, COLOR)(auto ref V v, Coord[] coords, COLOR f)
345 	if (isWritableView!V && is(COLOR : ViewColor!V))
346 {
347 	import std.algorithm.comparison : min, max;
349 	xy_t minY, maxY;
350 	minY = maxY = coords[0].y;
351 	foreach (c; coords[1..$])
352 		minY = min(minY, c.y),
353 		maxY = max(maxY, c.y);
355 	foreach (y; minY..maxY+1)
356 	{
357 		xy_t[] intersections;
358 		for (uint i=0; i<coords.length; i++)
359 		{
360 			auto c0=coords[i], c1=coords[i==$-1?0:i+1];
361 			if (y==c0.y)
362 			{
363 				assert(y == coords[i%$].y);
364 				int pi = i-1; xy_t py;
365 				while ((py=coords[(pi+$)%$].y)==y)
366 					pi--;
367 				int ni = i+1; xy_t ny;
368 				while ((ny=coords[ni%$].y)==y)
369 					ni++;
370 				if (ni > coords.length)
371 					continue;
372 				if ((py>y) == (y>ny))
373 					intersections ~= coords[i%$].x;
374 				i = ni-1;
375 			}
376 			else
377 			if (c0.y<y && y<c1.y)
378 				intersections ~= itpl(c0.x, c1.x, y, c0.y, c1.y);
379 			else
380 			if (c1.y<y && y<c0.y)
381 				intersections ~= itpl(c1.x, c0.x, y, c1.y, c0.y);
382 		}
384 		assert(intersections.length % 2==0);
385 		intersections.sort();
386 		for (uint i=0; i<intersections.length; i+=2)
387 			v.hline!true(intersections[i], intersections[i+1], y, f);
388 	}
389 }
391 // No caps
392 void thickLine(V, COLOR)(auto ref V v, xy_t x1, xy_t y1, xy_t x2, xy_t y2, xy_t r, COLOR c)
393 	if (isWritableView!V && is(COLOR : ViewColor!V))
394 {
395 	xy_t dx = x2-x1;
396 	xy_t dy = y2-y1;
397 	xy_t d  = cast(xy_t)sqrt(cast(float)(sqr(dx)+sqr(dy)));
398 	if (d==0) return;
400 	xy_t nx = dx*r/d;
401 	xy_t ny = dy*r/d;
403 	fillPoly([
404 		Coord(x1-ny, y1+nx),
405 		Coord(x1+ny, y1-nx),
406 		Coord(x2+ny, y2-nx),
407 		Coord(x2-ny, y2+nx),
408 	], c);
409 }
411 // No caps
412 void thickLinePoly(V, COLOR)(auto ref V v, Coord[] coords, xy_t r, COLOR c)
413 	if (isWritableView!V && is(COLOR : ViewColor!V))
414 {
415 	foreach (i; 0..coords.length)
416 		thickLine(coords[i].tupleof, coords[(i+1)%$].tupleof, r, c);
417 }
419 // ************************************************************************************************************************************
421 mixin template FixMath(ubyte coordinateBitsParam = 16)
422 {
423 	import ae.utils.meta : SignedBitsType, UnsignedBitsType;
425 	enum coordinateBits = coordinateBitsParam;
427 	static assert(COLOR.homogenous, "Asymmetric color types not supported, fix me!");
428 	/// Fixed-point type, big enough to hold a coordinate, with fractionary precision corresponding to channel precision.
429 	alias fix  = SignedBitsType!(COLOR.channelBits   + coordinateBits);
430 	/// Type to hold temporary values for multiplication and division
431 	alias fix2 = SignedBitsType!(COLOR.channelBits*2 + coordinateBits);
433 	static assert(COLOR.channelBits < 32, "Shift operators are broken for shifts over 32 bits, fix me!");
434 	fix tofix(T:int  )(T x) { return cast(fix) (x<<COLOR.channelBits); }
435 	fix tofix(T:float)(T x) { return cast(fix) (x*(1<<COLOR.channelBits)); }
436 	T fixto(T:int)(fix x) { return cast(T)(x>>COLOR.channelBits); }
438 	fix fixsqr(fix x)        { return cast(fix)((cast(fix2)x*x) >> COLOR.channelBits); }
439 	fix fixmul(fix x, fix y) { return cast(fix)((cast(fix2)x*y) >> COLOR.channelBits); }
440 	fix fixdiv(fix x, fix y) { return cast(fix)((cast(fix2)x << COLOR.channelBits)/y); }
442 	static assert(COLOR.ChannelType.sizeof*8 == COLOR.channelBits, "COLORs with ChannelType not corresponding to native type not currently supported, fix me!");
443 	/// Type only large enough to hold a fractionary part of a "fix" (i.e. color channel precision). Used for alpha values, etc.
444 	alias COLOR.ChannelType frac;
445 	/// Type to hold temporary values for multiplication and division
446 	alias UnsignedBitsType!(COLOR.channelBits*2) frac2;
448 	frac tofrac(T:float)(T x) { return cast(frac) (x*(1<<COLOR.channelBits)); }
449 	frac fixfpart(fix x) { return cast(frac)x; }
450 	frac fracsqr(frac x        ) { return cast(frac)((cast(frac2)x*x) >> COLOR.channelBits); }
451 	frac fracmul(frac x, frac y) { return cast(frac)((cast(frac2)x*y) >> COLOR.channelBits); }
453 	frac tofracBounded(T:float)(T x) { return cast(frac) bound(tofix(x), 0, frac.max); }
454 }
456 // ************************************************************************************************************************************
458 void whiteNoise(V)(V v)
459 	if (isWritableView!V)
460 {
461 	import std.random;
462 	alias COLOR = ViewColor!V;
464 	for (xy_t y=0;y<v.h/2;y++)
465 		for (xy_t x=0;x<v.w/2;x++)
466 			v[x*2, y*2] = COLOR.monochrome(uniform!(COLOR.ChannelType)());
468 	// interpolate
469 	enum AVERAGE = q{(a+b)/2};
471 	for (xy_t y=0;y<v.h/2;y++)
472 		for (xy_t x=0;x<v.w/2-1;x++)
473 			v[x*2+1, y*2  ] = COLOR.op!AVERAGE(v[x*2  , y*2], v[x*2+2, y*2  ]);
474 	for (xy_t y=0;y<v.h/2-1;y++)
475 		for (xy_t x=0;x<v.w/2;x++)
476 			v[x*2  , y*2+1] = COLOR.op!AVERAGE(v[x*2  , y*2], v[x*2  , y*2+2]);
477 	for (xy_t y=0;y<v.h/2-1;y++)
478 		for (xy_t x=0;x<v.w/2-1;x++)
479 			v[x*2+1, y*2+1] = COLOR.op!AVERAGE(v[x*2+1, y*2], v[x*2+2, y*2+2]);
480 }
482 private template softRoundShape(bool RING)
483 {
484 	void softRoundShape(T, V, COLOR)(auto ref V v, T x, T y, T r0, T r1, T r2, COLOR color)
485 		if (isWritableView!V && isNumeric!T && is(COLOR : ViewColor!V))
486 	{
487 		mixin FixMath;
489 		assert(r0 <= r1);
490 		assert(r1 <= r2);
491 		assert(r2 < 256); // precision constraint - see SqrType
492 		//xy_t ix = cast(xy_t)x;
493 		//xy_t iy = cast(xy_t)y;
494 		//xy_t ir1 = cast(xy_t)sqr(r1-1);
495 		//xy_t ir2 = cast(xy_t)sqr(r2+1);
496 		xy_t x1 = cast(xy_t)(x-r2-1); if (x1<0) x1=0;
497 		xy_t y1 = cast(xy_t)(y-r2-1); if (y1<0) y1=0;
498 		xy_t x2 = cast(xy_t)(x+r2+1); if (x2>v.w) x2 = v.w;
499 		xy_t y2 = cast(xy_t)(y+r2+1); if (y2>v.h) y2 = v.h;
501 		static if (RING)
502 		auto r0s = r0*r0;
503 		auto r1s = r1*r1;
504 		auto r2s = r2*r2;
505 		//float rds = r2s - r1s;
507 		fix fx = tofix(x);
508 		fix fy = tofix(y);
510 		static if (RING)
511 		fix fr0s = tofix(r0s);
512 		fix fr1s = tofix(r1s);
513 		fix fr2s = tofix(r2s);
515 		static if (RING)
516 		fix fr10 = fr1s - fr0s;
517 		fix fr21 = fr2s - fr1s;
519 		for (xy_t cy=y1;cy<y2;cy++)
520 		{
521 			auto row = v[cy];
522 			for (xy_t cx=x1;cx<x2;cx++)
523 			{
524 				alias SignedBitsType!(2*(8 + COLOR.channelBits)) SqrType; // fit the square of radius expressed as fixed-point
525 				fix frs = cast(fix)((sqr(cast(SqrType)fx-tofix(cx)) + sqr(cast(SqrType)fy-tofix(cy))) >> COLOR.channelBits); // shift-right only once instead of once-per-sqr
527 				//static frac alphafunc(frac x) { return fracsqr(x); }
528 				static frac alphafunc(frac x) { return x; }
530 				static if (RING)
531 				{
532 					if (frs<fr0s)
533 						{}
534 					else
535 					if (frs<fr2s)
536 					{
537 						frac alpha;
538 						if (frs<fr1s)
539 							alpha = alphafunc(cast(frac)fixdiv(frs-fr0s, fr10));
540 						else
541 							alpha = alphafunc(cast(frac)fixdiv(frs-fr1s, fr21)).flipBits;
542 						row[cx] = COLOR.op!q{.blend(a, b, c)}(color, row[cx], alpha);
543 					}
544 				}
545 				else
546 				{
547 					if (frs<fr1s)
548 						row[cx] = color;
549 					else
550 					if (frs<fr2s)
551 					{
552 						frac alpha = alphafunc(cast(frac)fixdiv(frs-fr1s, fr21)).flipBits;
553 						row[cx] = COLOR.op!q{.blend(a, b, c)}(color, row[cx], alpha);
554 					}
555 				}
556 			}
557 		}
558 	}
559 }
561 void softRing(T, V, COLOR)(auto ref V v, T x, T y, T r0, T r1, T r2, COLOR color)
562 	if (isWritableView!V && isNumeric!T && is(COLOR : ViewColor!V))
563 {
564 	v.softRoundShape!true(x, y, r0, r1, r2, color);
565 }
567 void softCircle(T, V, COLOR)(auto ref V v, T x, T y, T r1, T r2, COLOR color)
568 	if (isWritableView!V && isNumeric!T && is(COLOR : ViewColor!V))
569 {
570 	v.softRoundShape!false(x, y, cast(T)0, r1, r2, color);
571 }
573 template aaPutPixel(bool CHECKED=true, bool USE_ALPHA=true)
574 {
575 	void aaPutPixel(F:float, V, COLOR, frac)(auto ref V v, F x, F y, COLOR color, frac alpha)
576 		if (isWritableView!V && is(COLOR : ViewColor!V))
577 	{
578 		mixin FixMath;
580 		void plot(bool CHECKED2)(xy_t x, xy_t y, frac f)
581 		{
582 			static if (CHECKED2)
583 				if (x<0 || x>=v.w || y<0 || y>=v.h)
584 					return;
586 			COLOR* p = v.pixelPtr(x, y);
587 			static if (USE_ALPHA) f = fracmul(f, cast(frac)alpha);
588 			*p = COLOR.op!q{.blend(a, b, c)}(color, *p, f);
589 		}
591 		fix fx = tofix(x);
592 		fix fy = tofix(y);
593 		int ix = fixto!int(fx);
594 		int iy = fixto!int(fy);
595 		static if (CHECKED)
596 			if (ix>=0 && iy>=0 && ix+1<v.w && iy+1<v.h)
597 			{
598 				plot!false(ix  , iy  , fracmul(fixfpart(fx).flipBits, fixfpart(fy).flipBits));
599 				plot!false(ix  , iy+1, fracmul(fixfpart(fx).flipBits, fixfpart(fy)         ));
600 				plot!false(ix+1, iy  , fracmul(fixfpart(fx)         , fixfpart(fy).flipBits));
601 				plot!false(ix+1, iy+1, fracmul(fixfpart(fx)         , fixfpart(fy)         ));
602 				return;
603 			}
604 		plot!CHECKED(ix  , iy  , fracmul(fixfpart(fx).flipBits, fixfpart(fy).flipBits));
605 		plot!CHECKED(ix  , iy+1, fracmul(fixfpart(fx).flipBits, fixfpart(fy)         ));
606 		plot!CHECKED(ix+1, iy  , fracmul(fixfpart(fx)         , fixfpart(fy).flipBits));
607 		plot!CHECKED(ix+1, iy+1, fracmul(fixfpart(fx)         , fixfpart(fy)         ));
608 	}
609 }
611 void aaPutPixel(bool CHECKED=true, F:float, V, COLOR)(auto ref V v, F x, F y, COLOR color)
612 	if (isWritableView!V && is(COLOR : ViewColor!V))
613 {
614 	//aaPutPixel!(false, F)(x, y, color, 0); // doesn't work, wtf
615 	alias aaPutPixel!(CHECKED, false) f;
616 	f(v, x, y, color, 0);
617 }
619 void hline(bool CHECKED=true, V, COLOR, frac)(auto ref V v, xy_t x1, xy_t x2, xy_t y, COLOR color, frac alpha)
620 	if (isWritableView!V && is(COLOR : ViewColor!V))
621 {
622 	mixin(CheckHLine);
624 	if (alpha==0)
625 		return;
626 	else
627 	if (alpha==frac.max)
628 		.hline!CHECKED(v, x1, x2, y, color);
629 	else
630 		foreach (ref s; v.scanline(y)[x1..x2])
631 			foreach (ref p; s)
632 				p = COLOR.op!q{.blend(a, b, c)}(color, p, alpha);
633 }
635 void vline(bool CHECKED=true, V, COLOR, frac)(auto ref V v, xy_t x, xy_t y1, xy_t y2, COLOR color, frac alpha)
636 	if (isWritableView!V && is(COLOR : ViewColor!V))
637 {
638 	mixin(CheckVLine);
640 	if (alpha==0)
641 		return;
642 	else
643 	if (alpha==frac.max)
644 		foreach (y; y1..y2)
645 			v[x, y] = color;
646 	else
647 		foreach (y; y1..y2)
648 		{
649 			auto p = v.pixelPtr(x, y);
650 			*p = COLOR.op!q{.blend(a, b, c)}(color, *p, alpha);
651 		}
652 }
654 void aaFillRect(bool CHECKED=true, F:float, V, COLOR)(auto ref V v, F x1, F y1, F x2, F y2, COLOR color)
655 	if (isWritableView!V && is(COLOR : ViewColor!V))
656 {
657 	mixin FixMath;
659 	sort2(x1, x2);
660 	sort2(y1, y2);
661 	fix x1f = tofix(x1); int x1i = fixto!int(x1f);
662 	fix y1f = tofix(y1); int y1i = fixto!int(y1f);
663 	fix x2f = tofix(x2); int x2i = fixto!int(x2f);
664 	fix y2f = tofix(y2); int y2i = fixto!int(y2f);
666 	v.vline!CHECKED(x1i, y1i+1, y2i, color, fixfpart(x1f).flipBits);
667 	v.vline!CHECKED(x2i, y1i+1, y2i, color, fixfpart(x2f)         );
668 	v.hline!CHECKED(x1i+1, x2i, y1i, color, fixfpart(y1f).flipBits);
669 	v.hline!CHECKED(x1i+1, x2i, y2i, color, fixfpart(y2f)         );
670 	v.aaPutPixel!CHECKED(x1i, y1i, color, fracmul(fixfpart(x1f).flipBits, fixfpart(y1f).flipBits));
671 	v.aaPutPixel!CHECKED(x1i, y2i, color, fracmul(fixfpart(x1f).flipBits, fixfpart(y2f)         ));
672 	v.aaPutPixel!CHECKED(x2i, y1i, color, fracmul(fixfpart(x2f)         , fixfpart(y1f).flipBits));
673 	v.aaPutPixel!CHECKED(x2i, y2i, color, fracmul(fixfpart(x2f)         , fixfpart(y2f)         ));
675 	v.fillRect!CHECKED(x1i+1, y1i+1, x2i, y2i, color);
676 }
678 void aaLine(bool CHECKED=true, V, COLOR)(auto ref V v, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, COLOR color)
679 	if (isWritableView!V && is(COLOR : ViewColor!V))
680 {
681 	import std.math : abs;
683 	// Simplistic straight-forward implementation. TODO: optimize
684 	if (abs(x1-x2) > abs(y1-y2))
685 		for (auto x=x1; sign(x1-x2)!=sign(x2-x); x += sign(x2-x1))
686 			v.aaPutPixel!CHECKED(x, itpl(y1, y2, x, x1, x2), color);
687 	else
688 		for (auto y=y1; sign(y1-y2)!=sign(y2-y); y += sign(y2-y1))
689 			v.aaPutPixel!CHECKED(itpl(x1, x2, y, y1, y2), y, color);
690 }
692 void aaLine(bool CHECKED=true, V, COLOR, frac)(auto ref V v, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, COLOR color, frac alpha)
693 	if (isWritableView!V && is(COLOR : ViewColor!V))
694 {
695 	import std.math : abs;
697 	// ditto
698 	if (abs(x1-x2) > abs(y1-y2))
699 		for (auto x=x1; sign(x1-x2)!=sign(x2-x); x += sign(x2-x1))
700 			v.aaPutPixel!CHECKED(x, itpl(y1, y2, x, x1, x2), color, alpha);
701 	else
702 		for (auto y=y1; sign(y1-y2)!=sign(y2-y); y += sign(y2-y1))
703 			v.aaPutPixel!CHECKED(itpl(x1, x2, y, y1, y2), y, color, alpha);
704 }
706 unittest
707 {
708 	// Test instantiation
709 	import ae.utils.graphics.color;
710 	auto i = Image!RGB(100, 100);
711 	auto c = RGB(1, 2, 3);
712 	i.whiteNoise();
713 	i.aaLine(10, 10, 20, 20, c);
714 	i.aaLine(10f, 10f, 20f, 20f, c, 100);
715 	i.rect(10, 10, 20, 20, c);
716 	i.fillRect(10, 10, 20, 20, c);
717 	i.aaFillRect(10, 10, 20, 20, c);
718 	i.vline(10, 10, 20, c);
719 	i.vline(10, 10, 20, c);
720 	i.line(10, 10, 20, 20, c);
721 	i.fillCircle(10, 10, 10, c);
722 	i.fillSector(10, 10, 10, 10, 0.0, TAU, c);
723 	i.softRing(50, 50, 10, 15, 20, c);
724 	i.softCircle(50, 50, 10, 15, c);
725 	i.fillPoly([Coord(10, 10), Coord(10, 20), Coord(20, 20)], c);
726 	i.uncheckedFloodFill(15, 15, RGB(4, 5, 6));
727 }
729 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
731 // Outdated code from before the overhaul.
732 // TODO: fix and update
734 version(none):
736 /// Draws an image. Returns this.
737 typeof(this) draw(bool CHECKED=true, SRCCANVAS)(xy_t x, xy_t y, SRCCANVAS v)
738 	if (IsCanvas!SRCCANVAS && is(COLOR == SRCCANVAS.COLOR))
739 {
740 	static if (CHECKED)
741 	{
742 		if (v.w == 0 || v.h == 0 ||
743 			x+v.w <= 0 || y+v.h <= 0 || x >= w || y >= h)
744 			return this;
746 		auto r = v.window(0, 0, v.w, v.h);
747 		if (x < 0)
748 			r = r.window(-x, 0, r.w, r.h),
749 			x = 0;
750 		if (y < 0)
751 			r = r.window(0, -y, r.w, r.h),
752 			y = 0;
753 		if (x+r.w > w)
754 			r = r.window(0, 0, w-x, r.h);
755 		if (y+r.h > h)
756 			r = r.window(0, 0, r.w, h-y);
758 		draw!false(x, y, r);
759 	}
760 	else
761 	{
762 		assert(v.w > 0 && v.h > 0);
763 		assert(x >= 0 && x+v.w <= w && y >= 0 && y+v.h <= h);
765 		// TODO: alpha blending
766 		size_t dstStart = y*stride+x, srcStart = 0;
767 		foreach (j; 0..v.h)
768 			pixels[dstStart..dstStart+v.w] = v.pixels[srcStart..srcStart+v.w],
769 			dstStart += stride,
770 			srcStart += v.stride;
771 	}
773 	return this;
774 }
776 void subpixelDownscale()()
777 	if (structFields!COLOR == ["r","g","b"] || structFields!COLOR == ["b","g","r"])
778 {
779 	Image!COLOR i;
780 	i.size(HRX + hr.w*3 + HRX, hr.h);
781 	i.draw(0, 0, hr.window(0, 0, HRX, hr.h));
782 	i.window(HRX, 0, HRX+hr.w*3, hr.h).upscaleDraw!(3, 1)(hr);
783 	i.draw(HRX + hr.w*3, 0, hr.window(hr.w-HRX, 0, hr.w, hr.h));
784 	alias Color!(COLOR.BaseType, "g") BASE;
785 	Image!BASE[3] channels;
786 	Image!BASE scratch;
787 	scratch.size(hr.w*3, hr.h);
789 	foreach (xy_t cx, char c; ValueTuple!('r', 'g', 'b'))
790 	{
791 		auto w = i.window(cx*HRX, 0, cx*HRX+hr.w*3, hr.h);
792 		scratch.transformDraw!(`COLOR(c.`~c~`)`)(0, 0, w);
793 		channels[cx].size(lr.w, lr.h);
794 		channels[cx].downscaleDraw!(3*HRX, HRY)(scratch);
795 	}
797 	foreach (y; 0..lr.h)
798 		foreach (x; 0..lr.w)
799 		{
800 			COLOR c;
801 			c.r = channels[0][x, y].g;
802 			c.g = channels[1][x, y].g;
803 			c.b = channels[2][x, y].g;
804 			lr[x, y] = c;
805 		}
806 }