Abstract VFS driver base class.
std.file shims
ae.sys.file shims
Enumerate directory entries. Returns an array of file/directory names only.
Get MD5 digest of file at location.
Create an empty directory.
Create directory (and parents as necessary) at location, if it does not exist.
ae.sys.file shims
Read entire file at given location.
std.file shims
Delete file at location.
Rename file at location. Clobber destination, if it exists.
Remove a directory and all its contents recursively.
ae.sys.file shims
Test a VFS at a certain path. Must end with directory separator.
ae.sys.file shims
Write entire file at given location (overwrite if exists).
Check if file/directory exists at location.
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A basic virtual filesystem API. Intended as a drop-in std.file replacement. VFS driver is indicated by "driver://" prefix ("//" cannot exist in a valid filesystem path).