Construct the HTTP request from a CGI request.
CGI meta-variables.
HTTP method, e.g., "GET".
If this request is going through a HTTP proxy server, this should be set to its address.
Resource part of URL (everything after the hostname)
Set the resource part of the URL, or the entire URL. Setting the resource to a full URL will fill in the Host header, as well.
The hostname, without the port number
Sets the hostname (and the "Host" header). Must not include a port number. Does not change the previously-set port number.
Retrieves the default port number for the currently set protocol.
Port number, from "Host" header. Defaults to protocolDefaultPort.
Sets the port number. If it is equal to protocolDefaultPort, then it is not included in the "Host" header.
Path part of request (until the '?').
Query string part of request (atfer the '?').
The query string parameters.
URL without resource (protocol, host and port).
Full URL.
Full URL without query parameters or fragment.
The hostname part of the proxy address, if any.
The port number of the proxy address if it specified, otherwise 80.
Parse the first line in a HTTP request ("METHOD /resource HTTP/1.x").
Decodes submitted form data, and returns an AA of values.
Get list of hosts as specified in headers (e.g. X-Forwarded-For). First item in returned array is the node furthest away. Duplicates are removed. Specify socket remote address in remoteHost to add it to the list.
Basic cookie parsing
Subclass of HttpRequest for HTTP requests received via CGI.