 * Complements the std.typecons package.
 * License:
 *   This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of
 *   the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of
 *   the MPL was not distributed with this file, You
 *   can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * Authors:
 *   Vladimir Panteleev <ae@cy.md>

module ae.utils.typecons;

import std.typecons;

/// If `value` is not null, return its contents.
/// If `value` is null, set it to `defaultValue` and return it.
/// Similar to `object.require` for associative arrays, and
/// Rust's `Option::get_or_insert`.
ref T require(T)(ref Nullable!T value, lazy T defaultValue)
	if (value.isNull)
		value = defaultValue;
	return value.get();

	Nullable!int i;
	assert(i.require(3) == 3);
	assert(i.require(4) == 3);

/// Apply a function over a Nullable's contents,
/// if it is not null, and return that as a new Nullable.
/// If the argument is null, return a null Nullable.
auto map(alias pred, T)(auto ref Nullable!T value)
if (is(typeof(pred(value.get()))))
	if (value.isNull)
		return Nullable!(typeof(pred(value.get())))();
		return nullable(pred(value.get()));

	assert(Nullable!int( ).map!(n => n+1).isNull);
	assert(Nullable!int(1).map!(n => n+1).get() == 2);