1 /**
2  * Compress/decompress data using the zlib library.
3  *
4  * License:
5  *   This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of
6  *   the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of
7  *   the MPL was not distributed with this file, You
8  *   can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
9  *
10  * Authors:
11  *   Vladimir Panteleev <ae@cy.md>
12  */
14 module ae.utils.zlib;
16 import etc.c.zlib;
17 import std.conv;
18 import std.exception;
20 import ae.sys.data;
22 /// Thrown on zlib errors.
23 class ZlibException : Exception
24 {
25 	private static string getmsg(int err) nothrow @nogc pure @safe
26 	{
27 		switch (err)
28 		{
29 			case Z_STREAM_END:      return "stream end";
30 			case Z_NEED_DICT:       return "need dict";
31 			case Z_ERRNO:           return "errno";
32 			case Z_STREAM_ERROR:    return "stream error";
33 			case Z_DATA_ERROR:      return "data error";
34 			case Z_MEM_ERROR:       return "mem error";
35 			case Z_BUF_ERROR:       return "buf error";
36 			case Z_VERSION_ERROR:   return "version error";
37 			default:                return "unknown error";
38 		}
39 	}
41 	this(int err, z_stream* zs)
42 	{
43 		if (zs.msg)
44 			super(to!string(zs.msg));
45 		else
46 			super(getmsg(err));
47 	} ///
49 	this(string msg) { super(msg); } ///
50 }
52 /// File format.
53 enum ZlibMode
54 {
55 	normal,   /// Normal deflate stream.
56 	raw,      /// Raw deflate stream.
57 	gzipOnly, /// gzip deflate stream. Require gzip input.
58 	gzipAuto, /// Output and detect gzip, but do not require it.
59 }
61 /// Compression/decompression options.
62 struct ZlibOptions
63 {
64 	int deflateLevel = Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION; /// Compression level.
65 	int windowBits = 15; /// Window size (8..15) - actual windowBits, without additional meaning
66 	ZlibMode mode; /// File format.
68 	invariant()
69 	{
70 		assert(deflateLevel == Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION || (deflateLevel >= 0 && deflateLevel <= 9));
71 		assert(windowBits >= 8 && windowBits <= 15);
72 	}
74 private:
75 	@property
76 	int zwindowBits()
77 	{
78 		final switch (mode)
79 		{
80 		case ZlibMode.normal:
81 			return windowBits;
82 		case ZlibMode.raw:
83 			return -windowBits;
84 		case ZlibMode.gzipOnly:
85 			return 16+windowBits;
86 		case ZlibMode.gzipAuto:
87 			return 32+windowBits;
88 		}
89 	}
90 }
92 /// Implements a zlib compression or decompression process.
93 struct ZlibProcess(bool COMPRESSING)
94 {
95 	/// Initialize zlib.
96 	void init(ZlibOptions options = ZlibOptions.init)
97 	{
98 		static if (COMPRESSING)
99 			//zenforce(deflateInit(&zs, options.deflateLevel));
100 			zenforce(deflateInit2(&zs, options.deflateLevel, Z_DEFLATED, options.zwindowBits, 8, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY));
101 		else
102 			//zenforce(inflateInit(&zs));
103 			zenforce(inflateInit2(&zs, options.zwindowBits));
104 	}
106 	/// Process one chunk of data.
107 	void processChunk(Data chunk)
108 	{
109 		if (!chunk.length)
110 			return;
112 		assert(zs.avail_in == 0);
113 		zs.next_in  = cast(ubyte*) chunk.ptr;
114 		zs.avail_in = to!uint(chunk.length);
116 		do
117 		{
118 			if (zs.avail_out == 0)
119 				allocChunk(adjustSize(zs.avail_in));
121 			assert(zs.avail_in  && zs.next_in );
122 			assert(zs.avail_out && zs.next_out);
123 			if (zend(processFunc(&zs, Z_NO_FLUSH)))
124 				enforce(zs.avail_in==0, new ZlibException("Trailing data"));
125 		} while (zs.avail_in);
126 	}
128 	/// Signal end of input and flush.
129 	Data[] flush()
130 	{
131 		if (zs.avail_out == 0)
132 			allocChunk(adjustSize(zs.avail_in));
134 		while (!zend(processFunc(&zs, Z_FINISH)))
135 			allocChunk(zs.avail_out*2+1);
137 		saveChunk();
138 		return outputChunks;
139 	}
141 	/// Process all input.
142 	static Data[] process(Data[] input, ZlibOptions options = ZlibOptions.init)
143 	{
144 		typeof(this) zp;
145 		zp.init(options);
146 		foreach (ref chunk; input)
147 			zp.processChunk(chunk);
148 		return zp.flush();
149 	}
151 	/// Process input and return output as a single contiguous `Data`.
152 	static Data process(Data input, ZlibOptions options = ZlibOptions.init)
153 	{
154 		return process([input], options).joinData();
155 	}
157 	~this()
158 	{
159 		zenforce(endFunc(&zs));
160 	}
162 private:
163 	z_stream zs;
164 	Data currentChunk;
165 	Data[] outputChunks;
167 	static if (COMPRESSING)
168 	{
169 		alias deflate processFunc;
170 		alias deflateEnd endFunc;
172 		size_t adjustSize(size_t sz) { return sz / 4 + 1; }
173 	}
174 	else
175 	{
176 		alias inflate processFunc;
177 		alias inflateEnd endFunc;
179 		size_t adjustSize(size_t sz) { return sz * 4 + 1; }
180 	}
182 	void zenforce(int ret)
183 	{
184 		if (ret != Z_OK)
185 			throw new ZlibException(ret, &zs);
186 	}
188 	bool zend(int ret)
189 	{
190 		if (ret == Z_STREAM_END)
191 			return true;
192 		zenforce(ret);
193 		return false;
194 	}
196 	void saveChunk()
197 	{
198 		if (zs.next_out && zs.next_out != currentChunk.ptr)
199 		{
200 			outputChunks ~= currentChunk[0..zs.next_out-cast(ubyte*)currentChunk.ptr];
201 			currentChunk = Data();
202 		}
203 		zs.next_out = null;
204 	}
206 	void allocChunk(size_t sz)
207 	{
208 		saveChunk();
209 		currentChunk = Data(sz);
210 		currentChunk.length = currentChunk.capacity;
211 		zs.next_out  = cast(ubyte*)currentChunk.mptr;
212 		zs.avail_out = to!uint(currentChunk.length);
213 	}
214 }
216 alias ZlibProcess!true  ZlibDeflater; /// ditto
217 alias ZlibProcess!false ZlibInflater; /// ditto
219 alias ZlibDeflater.process compress;   ///
220 alias ZlibInflater.process uncompress; ///
222 /// Shorthand for compressing at a certain level.
223 Data compress(Data input, int level)
224 {
225 	return compress(input, ZlibOptions(level));
226 }
228 unittest
229 {
230 	void testRoundtrip(ubyte[] src)
231 	{
232 		ubyte[] def = cast(ubyte[])  compress(Data(src)).toHeap;
233 		ubyte[] res = cast(ubyte[])uncompress(Data(def)).toHeap;
234 		assert(res == src);
235 	}
237 	testRoundtrip(cast(ubyte[])
238 "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog\r
239 the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog\r
240 ");
241 	testRoundtrip([0]);
242 	testRoundtrip(null);
243 }