Helper/wrapper for void[0]T
An object which acts mostly as an associative array, with the added property of being able to hold keys with multiple values. These are only exposed explicitly and through iteration
An associative array which retains the order in which elements were added.
An ordered set of T, which retains the order in which elements are added.
Work around
Work around
Get a value from an AA, and throw an exception (not an error) if not found
If key is not in aa, add it with the given value, and return true. Otherwise, return false.
If key is not in aa, add it with defaultValue. Returns a reference to the value corresponding to key.
Merge source into target. Return target.
Ensure that arr is non-null if empty.
Like assocArray
Construct an ordered set from the range r.
Get key/value pairs from AA
Polyfill for object.require
Get key/value pairs from AA, sorted by keys
Get values from AA, sorted by keys
Given an AA literal, construct an AA-like object which can be built at compile-time and queried at run-time. The AA literal is unrolled into code.
Slurp a range of two elements (or two-element struct/class) into an AA.
Construct a set from the range r.
Polyfill for object.update
Polyfill for object.update with void update function
Base type for ordered/unordered single-value/multi-value map/set
Key/value pair
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Associative Array utility functions