async/await-like API for asynchronous tasks combining promises and fibers.
Promise concurrency tools.
Promise range tools.
Promise-based timing utilities.
A promise for a value T or error E.
Heterogeneous variant, which resolves to a tuple. void promises' values are omitted from the result tuple. If all promises are void, then so is the result.
Wait for all promises to be resolved, or for any to be rejected.
Returns a new Promise which is rejected with the given reason.
Returns a new Promise!void which is resolved.
Returns a new Promise which is resolved with the given value.
Ordered promise queue, supporting asynchronous enqueuing / fulfillment.
Get the error type of the promise P, i.e. its E parameter.
Get the value type of the promise P, i.e. its T parameter.
Construct a new Promise type based on P, if the given transformation was applied on the value type. If P is a void Promise, then the returned promise will also be void.
Return true if P is a Promise instantiation.
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An implementation of promises.